At Spinal Healthcare & Physical Medicine, we treat a variety of conditions for our clients in the Fort Wayne, New Haven, Woodburn, Monroeville, and surrounding areas. We realize too there are times you might want to know about the products and services we recommend. We have personally used these for our patients and in our own lives.
For any questions or further details on the products below, please contact us.
Check out the BEMER Documentary – LIVE on CBS News!

BEMER B.PAD or B.SPOT stimulates your muscles and delivers a patented PEMF signal straight to where your body needs it most: your cells. As the signal directly stimulates electrical activity, your muscle tissues get the charge they need to power you through your day, helping your body reach optimal performance and expedited recovery. Whether you’re breaking world records or you just want to feel better throughout your day, the BEMER Deluxe-Set will keep your body in prime condition.
We also offer rental options for BEMER! Contact us for details.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and this device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your own physician or healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.
Berkey Water Filters

The golden standard in water filters! Berkey Filters and Systems are the absolute best. With their powerful gravity filtration method across six sizes, there’s a Berkey Water Filter for everyone.
From Berkey: “As a family-owned company, we understand the need to protect your loved ones. That is why we are passionate about raising awareness on water quality concerns, and providing the peace of mind that comes from taking control of your water. Berkey water filters use a holistic process to address the harmful contaminants typically found in tap water. Berkey Filters, bringing the power of water to you.”
Check them out here.
Baja Gold Sea Salt
Baja Gold Salt Co. is proud to offer the world’s healthiest, most mineral-rich sea salt. With naturally lower sodium and an incredible concentration of minerals and trace elements, Baja Gold is truly one-of-a-kind.
It contains 90 minerals and trace elements typically found in seawater plus more than 50,000 natural organic compounds! It’s advertised as the world’s healthiest sea salt and I agree.
Snag some to enrich your food here.
Gut health not only massively plays a role in how well you generally feel on a day-to-day basis, but also gives you huge insight into your body’s general health. We highly recommend testing your gut and the BIHOM Gut Test is our top recommendation as it’s one of the most comprehensive sequencing available to consumers. With the test you receive actionable recommendations on how to support your specific digestive health needs.
We’ve partnered with BIOHM to get you a 20% discount on your test. Simply use our code at checkout: BOSLER, or click the link here.
The Gaeta Institute

Dr. Michael Gaeta and The Gaeta Institute have worked for decades to co-create a world of vital, resilient people who choose a lifestyle of “nature first, drugs last.” Through his courses and training, he’s helped tens of thousands of natural health professionals upgrade their patient care and practice success. We are firm believers in his teachings and would love to spread the word to fellow practitioners out there!
Learn all about his classes and how they will improve your practice here.
Standard Process Supplements

Whole food nutrition – just as nature intended with Standard Process.
Together, Spinal Healthcare Physical Medicine and Standard Process are changing lives with organic, whole food supplements. Based on the legendary teachings of Dr. Royal Lee, Standard Process Supplements are truly the highest quality ones on the market. We sell some in the office directly, recommend them to all our patients, and personally take them daily.
Peruse them here.
Customers are encouraged to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner prior to purchasing any products through this online store. Please contact Spinal Healthcare Physical Medicine at 260-493-6565 or SPINALHEALTHCARE@PROTONMAIL.COM.
Celluma Light Therapy

Thousands of clinical studies document the benefits of specific wavelengths of light energy on the human body. Each Celluma device incorporates wavelengths of blue, red, and near-infrared light energy simultaneously emitted in proprietary combinations to target various skin issues, muscle and joint pain, or even hair loss.
We’ve partnered with them to offer a FREE carrying case to offer even more benefits to our patients.
Use this code at checkout to get it free of charge: 100414
Resona Vibe
We are now stocking the Resona Vibe for just $249.00.
You can learn more about the Vibe here.