The specialists at Spinal Healthcare & Physical Medicine in New Haven composed a list of articles that contain essential information about scoliosis. If you or a loved one in the Fort Wayne area would like to know more about the treatment or symptoms of scoliosis, read the articles below to gain a better understanding of the condition.


The Association Between Cervical Spine Curvature and Neck Pain

Degenerative changes of the cervical spine are commonly accompanied by a reduction or loss of the segmental or global lordosis and are often considered to be a cause of neck pain. Nonetheless, such changes may also remain clinically silent. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between the presence of neck pain and alterations of the normal cervical lordosis in people aged over 45 years. One hundred and seven volunteers, who were otherwise undergoing treatment for lower extremity problems in our hospital, took part.

Click here to view the full PDF of the article.


Scoliosis Treatment Using a Combination of Manipulative and Rehabilitative Therapy: A Retrospective Case Series

The combination of spinal manipulation and various physiotherapeutic procedures used to correct the curvatures associated with scoliosis have been largely unsuccessful.  Typically, the goals of the procedures are often to relax, strengthen, or stretch musculotendinous and/or ligamentous structures.  In this study, we investigate the possible benefits of combining spinal manipulation, positional traction, and neuromuscular re-education in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis.

Click here to read the full article.


Why All Patients Need Normal Cervical Curves

By Mark R. Payne DC

Fact: The loss of the cervical lordosis predisposes the capsular ligaments to a higher risk of injury in the event of trauma.

Habitual carriage of the neck in a straightened or kyphotic posture pretensions both the capsular ligaments and the ligamentum flavum. This pre-stressing effect can have severe ramifications in the event of sudden neck trauma such as whiplash injuries.

Click here to view this 2005 study originally published in the Journal of Biomechanics.


Treat an MS Patient? Yes, You Can!

By Van Merkle, DC, CCN, DCBCN, DABCI

All through life, we treasure our independence. We start fighting for it as children (frustrating our parents to no end) and struggle to maintain it as we age. But imagine being just 44 years old and barely able to walk across the room. As chiropractors, we must remember that we have more tools on hand than a simple adjustment to help patients with major problems.

Find out more here.

Early Scoliosis Intervention and Information on Scoliosis

By Dr. Brian T. Dovorany

Scoliosis is a disease of the neuromuscular system that has long challenged healthcare professionals worldwide. The current treatment options or lack of any treatment for most families dealing with an early detection of this disease can be very frustrating.

Click here for more information.


Proven Scoliosis Treatment and Information on Scoliosis

By Dr. Dennis Woggon

A detailed study of CLEAR Institute’s methodology and it’s proven effectiveness. Scoliosis is a dis-ease of the neuro-muscular skeletal system. The Medical “Gold Standard of treatment which is bracing and surgery, has few positive results. As Spinal Experts, the Chiropractic profession should take the lead in the correction and stabilization of the Scoliotic patient.

Read the complete study here.