When your car collides with another vehicle or a fixed object, tons of force can come slamming through the vehicle. A sudden stop can cause your body to be jolted against the seat quite violently. This is why whiplash is one of the most common complaints of patients that have been in car accidents However, any action that bends or pulls on the neck could cause the same kind of damage and pain. Seek treatment in our New Haven clinic if you have been in an accident recently.

What is Whiplash

The sudden movement of the neck as your vehicle is rear ended causes serious damage to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even bones of the neck. The vertebrae in the neck will also become misaligned or even cracked during the impact. There may be no symptoms immediately after the accident. Symptoms usually peak at 72 hours after an injury or accident. If you suspect that your neck is growing more painful by the hour, go ahead and schedule an immediate appointment to slow the spread of inflammation.

Whiplash Symptoms

Aching throughout the body is common after the trauma of an accident. However, whiplash could be the culprit if you are experiencing:

  • Stiffening and pain in the shoulders and neck
  • Visual disturbances like blurred vision
  • Ringing of the ears and dizzy spells that come and go
  • Insomnia and irritability
  • Headaches stemming from the top of the neck and the base of the skull
  • Fatigue that develops after the accident

Cause of Whiplash

The primary cause of whiplash in America is automobile accidents, but other simple issues can create pain and inflammation in the neck and upper shoulders. Watch out for causes like:

  • Blows to the head during full contact sports
  • Falling or diving into water from a tall platform
  • A slip and fall incident that stresses the neck
  • Falling objects that push down on the head and the spinal column

Whiplash Risks

It can be tempting to just sleep off the bruising and fatigue you feel after a car accident. Serious damage will only grow if you avoid proper treatment within a week of your collision or injury. Complications can arise like:

  • Chronic pain that lasts for months or years
  • Damage to the ligaments and spinal discs
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Arthritis that develops in response to the trauma
  • Spasms and cramps that keep you awake
  • Compression of the nerves in the neck

Whiplash Treatment Options

Waiting weeks in the hope that the point will just fade away could leave you permanently injured. If you are trying to avoid risky muscle relaxers or narcotic pain killers, try alternative options like:

  • Myofascial manipulation and trigger point therapy to release tension in the muscles
  • Soothing deep tissue massage for chronic pain
  • Spinal adjustments with the chiropractor to fix alignment issues
  • Traction and vibration therapies to slow down and reverse damage
  • Ultrasound treatment that could relieve stubborn inflammation

A Little Help Now Could Prevent Pain Later

Take a trip to the emergency room when it is offered at the scene of the accident. Once serious fractures or internal damage is ruled out, make your appointment at Spinal Healthcare & Physical Medicine. We can provide a range of supportive treatments for patients who are seeking the elimination of lingering neck damage symptoms.

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